Wednesday, June 27, 2012


This great part of Italy with the green hills and plenty of vineyards and a butcher in Greve di Chianti that can treat all type of meat in a good manner. Our stationary campervan that we have rented was not according to the specifications but that doesn’t matter because we only sleep in the campervan and do nice trips during the days. Jimmy and Linnea will be leaving us tomorrow and that is sad but we have had some wonderful days together. Internet coverage is not normal in this part of Tuscany so I will try to post this message first and then some pictures. Tomorrow it will be visiting Pisa with the leaning tower and hopefully some nice beaches. Yesterday we did visited Rimini with some great beaches and nice weather. I hope all is good at home and that the weather is catching up.  


Anonymous said...

Blir lagom res-sugen av de härliga bilderna :) Vi har haft sommar-väder i tre (!!!) hela dagar nu, så villa-livet har blivit riktigt trevligt med tid på altanen och långa promenader med balder. Hoppas den fortsatta resan till sardinien blir fin för er!

Puss och kram från Sofia och Balder

Family Wallsten said...

Skönt att höra att allt är väl och salamin är på väg ;-) Krama Balder

Mamma & Pappa